NEW Automated Refuse & Recycling Curbside Program
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The City’s Public Works Department will be delivering new refuse and recycling carts the week of November 10th. Cart delivery is planned to coincide with the normal collection schedule. Each residence will receive two 64-gallon carts; one for refuse (black lid) and one for recycling (blue lid) along with a Residential Refuse & Recycling Guidelines brochure explaining the new program.
Residents are required to begin using the carts immediately on their normal collection day. Weekly curbside collection will be provided using the City’s carts only. Carts remain the property of the City. Containers may not be removed from the residence.
Cart serial numbers will be recorded for inventory control and tracking. Carts are to be placed within 3 feet of the curb and at least 3 feet apart, with the wheels facing their house. Do not place carts near trees, mailboxes or other fixed objects. To identify the preferred location to place your carts for collection, City staff will place carts in the recommended location at the curb during delivery. All trash must be bagged before placing into your refuse cart.
Mixed Single-Stream Recycling
This is a mixed, single-stream recycling program – NO SORTING REQUIRED! These items include: plastics, food, beverage and soap containers #1-#7; glass jars & bottles (including their metal lids); metal food & beverage cans; cartons & juice boxes (not pouches). Mixed paper recycling includes: boxboard, paper egg cartons, clean pizza boxes, paper bags, paper towel rolls, junk mail, envelopes, magazines, catalogs, newspapers, phone books and cardboard. Empty and rinse all containers and flatten all boxes before placing inside your recycling cart. Flatten plastic containers placing lids on or inside flattened container.All recyclables should be loose and un-bagged in your recycling cart.
Old refuse containers and recycling buckets can be placed at the curb the first 3 Mondays in December, 12/1, 12/8, 12/15. The City has made arrangements to reuse or recycle them.
Commercial cardboard recycling services will start back up later this month. Once fully automated curbside residential service has been re-established, the City will turn its attention to expanding commercial recycling services.
The new refuse & recycling program was funded in part by the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (OEPA), the Lorain County Solid Waste Management District (LCSWMD) and the Green Edge Fund of Oberlin College.
For more information please contact the Public Works Department at 440-775-7218. More information, news updates and forms can be found on the City’s website under Public Works, Refuse & Recycling. If you have questions, comments or suggestions please email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. or call Lori at 440-935-0096.
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