Carolyn Burnham

Carolyn Burnham

Carolyn is a fourth-year Studio Art major at Oberlin College and is originally from Boston, Massachusetts. She works as an editor of one of the school's newspapers during the school year and is excited to be working for Environmental Dashboard this summer as a research fellow.

Community Voices - Tyler Gogolek

Posted by Carolyn Burnham
Carolyn Burnham
Carolyn is a fourth-year Studio Art major at Oberlin College and is originally f
User is currently offline
on September 10, 2015
in Community Voices

TylerGogolekinHydropinicGarden2Tyler Gogolek is a hydroponic farmer who lives and works with his family in Oberlin, OH. He has over twenty years of growing experience with garden mums and produce and is committed to sustainable farming practices. In January of 2014, Tyler attended a hydroponic grower training where he learned the systems of hydroponic crop growing and produced his first crop in February of 2015. Hydroponics is a method of growing plants using mineral nutrient solutions in water without soil. This method of farming offers sustainability through water conservation because the water is constantly recirculating and uses 70-80 percent less water than traditional soil farming methods. Tyler's Farm's mums and produce are available at farmer's markets in Northern Ohio as well as local restaurants and retail locations.

Q: How is it you came to live and work in Oberlin?

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Community Voices - Melissa Thompson

Posted by Carolyn Burnham
Carolyn Burnham
Carolyn is a fourth-year Studio Art major at Oberlin College and is originally f
User is currently offline
on July 9, 2015
in Community Voices

MelissaThompsonbyCarolynBurnhamMelissa Thompson is an Oberlin resident who has made sustainable changes in her home and daily life as a result of POWER (Providing Oberlin With Efficiency Responsibly). She has lived with her husband and three children in Oberlin for over thirteen years and believes that being environmentally conscious is a natural part of being part of this community.

Q: How would you like to be referred to as?

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